Interview with Stephan

What’s your name?
Stephan Henzler
What are your hobbies?
I like doing any kind of sports – indoor and outdoor – from classic fitness to longboarding. The main thing for me is having a little more action.
What did you study and what is your highest educational attainment?
I studied automotive engineering with focus on Systems Engineering and Drive Technology and completed my studies as Bachelor of Engineer (B. Eng). From my point of view, academical degrees are important but not everything. More important is the passion, with which you work for your tasks and goals.
Where do you work and what’s your position?
I am currently working at Carl Bechem GmbH as a technology manager in the field of lubricants and tribology.
Since when are you part of working group “Young Tribologists“?
When the Young Tribologists were founded in 2015 it was immediately clear to me, that I have to be a part of this working group!
In which part of the group are you currently participating?
I’ve being part of the experiment group since the beginning and currently leading this group. I still have a lot of fun developing experiments with my motivated working group colleagues. Thank you for your commitment!
#playfunandexcitement #tribology #experiments
Why are you a member of working group “Young Tribologists”?
My early contact with Tribology showed that there are only a few concepts which demonstrate the importance of this field and there was also no platform for young non-experts to exchange experiences and expand their network. In my opinion Tribology concerns us all. Whether sustainability, digitization or electric mobility: Tribology can have a major contribution in those segments and therefore it is our task to inspire young people for this field! The Young Tribologists took on this task with e.g. interesting experiments, symposia, public relations, experience exchange and regular working group meetings to demonstrate the importance and unlimited possibilities in this field – because Tribology is more than just machine elements.
How did you end up in the field of tribology?
Fortunately, I was able to work as a working student in the field of tribology at the Ulm Research and Development Center at Daimler AG during my studies. The love, passion and craziness for the complexity of tribology has not changed since then and has been a constant value in my life for about 10 years. It should stay that way! Due to the complexity and the resulting interdisciplinary of tribology, this field offers a place for every motivated young person to realize themselves.
#anythingispossiblemuchnotunderstood #maketribologysexyagain
What topics are you working on and are there any connections to the field of tribology?
Tribology plays a big role in my daily work. Lubricants and lubricant solutions of the future depend very much on tribological knowledge. And precisely for this reason I try to pass on the knowledge transfer around tribology as a lecturer at the Coburg University.
Do you have any favorite anecdote about the broad field of tribology?
“The advancing development of humans depends in a vital way on inventions.” (Nikola Tesla) From my point of view tribology plays an important role in this context and has the potential to generate new solutions