Interview with Anton

What’s your name?
Anton Kalimullin
What are your hobbies?
I like sporty activities and sport in general with squash as my personal highlight of last years. I try to be outdoor independent from weather outside. Moments, when you can align with the nature, are priceless.
What did you study and what is your highest educational attainment?
I have started my studies at the Kazan Technical University in Russia. There I obtained my diploma in mechanical engineering and specialized in business administration as a minor. Economic impact of technical solutions was already at my focus back then. For the master’s degree in Germany, I chose the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences and the international program “Design and Development for Mechanical and Automotive Engineering”. Intensity and diversity during the course ensured a confident entry into the industry.
Where do you work and what’s your position?
I am working at Magna Powertrain B.V. & Co. KG in Untergruppenbach as developement engineer for clutch systems.
Since when are you part of working group “Young Tribologists“?
I have been part of the working group since 2018. The decision to participate was a very easy one when I got to know insides of Young Tribologists during the 2nd Researchers symposium in Berlin.
In which part of the group are you currently participating?
I am a part of experiment group and try to make tribology exciting for everybody together with my group colleagues.
Why are you a member of working group “Young Tribologists”?
I am interested in the questions and solution that are discussed during symposia and working group meetings. Direct exchange with friendly and motivated colleagues challenges me to develop myself further. I find it incredibly important to combine the energy of young people in industry and science so that there are no boundaries in between.
How did you end up in the field of tribology?
Consciously I only encountered tribology through my work as a development engineer for clutch systems. However, the more I think about tribology, the further this point moves back in the past. The work in the field of tribology offers enough challenges and is respected and valued by colleagues.
What topics are you working on and are there any connections to the field of tribology?
As part of the clutch system team at Magna Powertrain, I work on clutch packs for dual clutch and hybrid transmissions. That means daily contact with tribology and numerous interfaces with other subsystems, customers and suppliers.
Do you have any favorite anecdote about the broad field of tribology?
I keep hearing the sentence from my colleagues: “You can’t really explain the results – no wonder, it’s about Tribo”. This motivates me to work on the topics to find the explanation. Here is wonderful example of an easy and tangible explanation from Werner Stehr and his book “Of fried Sausages and Bearing Damage”.