Registration 8th Young Tribological Researcher Symposium (YTRS)Bitte aktiviere JavaScript in deinem Browser, um dieses Formular fertigzustellen.I am *Speaker (EUR 25.00)Participating enrolled student (EUR 25.00)Regular participant (EUR 50.00)Presentation slots are 20 minutes. The symposium language is English.Presentation TitlePlease only fill if you want to present and leave a blank otherwise. Abstract (200 words in English)Please only fill if you want to present and leave a blank otherwise.First Name *Family Name *Company / Institute *Department *Street / P.O. Box *Zip-Code *City *Country *PhoneE-Mail *Company / InstituteIn Case of Differing Invoice AdressContact PersonIn Case of Differing Invoice AdressDepartmentIn Case of Differing Invoice AdressStreet / P.O. BoxIn Case of Differing Invoice AdressZip-CodeIn Case of Differing Invoice AdressCityIn Case of Differing Invoice AdressCountryIn Case of Differing Invoice AdressPhoneIn Case of Differing Invoice AdressE-MailIn Case of Differing Invoice AdressCheckboxen *I consent to the publication of photos taken during the 8th YTRS for promotional purposes of the Young Tribologists.MessageAbsenden